Monday, March 10, 2008

The Perfect Life

I went to see a new doctor today. This one was recommended by Jesse's boss who also has rheumatoid arthritis. He was kind, but honest, which I appreciate. He said to stop taking the Enbrel for now, and he's weaning me off of the prednisone (again). He's also referring me to a pain specialist, hopefully that will make some difference in the pain.

The pain has been quite bad this weekend; I spent much of Sunday in bed, and after a difference of opinion with Molly, I lost it. Jesse came in a few minutes later to find me sobbing in bed over my open Bible. On days like that I feel absolutely worthless. Jesse reminded me that those are Satan's words I was listening to, and after several more tissues, I picked up one of my devotional books. I'm currently reading The God of All Comfort by Judy Gann. It's a devotional written specifically for people suffering from chronic illnesses, and the Lord used Judy to speak to me last night. The entry spoke exactly to the humiliation and frustration I feel. Reminded of the thorn in Paul's flesh, I felt better about my own. I'll review the book when I am finished, but it's an amazing read for those who suffer.

The Perfect Life by Robin Lee Hatcher is the story of Katherine Clarkson and her storybook life. Her husband Brad, who runs a charitable organization, is the perfect husband. Both of her adult daughters are pregnant, and the world is full of hope for this Bible-reading church-going woman. Until a former employee of Brad's accuses him of mismanaging the company's money AND having an affair with her. Katherine's world quickly collapses around her as she tries to both face and shut out the accusations against him. Her faith isn't as strong as she thought it was, not in God or her husband. Hatcher always writes books with powerfully sympathetic characters, and Katherine is no exception. Even as she shuts out her family, you can't help but grieve at the loss of the life she thought she had. Many Christians stumble in their faith when it comes to facing real crisis; I know I still do. And this book is a great reminder about why we need to trust and lean only on God, because everyone else is ultimately human. The resolution is true to life and not tied up in a neat bow as many books try to do. Life has rough edges, and Hatcher isn't afraid to use them to show the glory of love of God.

I'm starting a book contest this week for The Next Level by David Gregory. It's an allegorical view at jobs and careers and living for God. Don't let the description scare you, this is a terrific book by the author of Dinner with a Perfect Stranger and A Day with a Perfect Stranger. I'm giving away two copies. If you are interested in winning one, please send me an email at clockstein at (replace at with @) before midnight Thursday, March 13th. I'll post my review of the book tomorrow and announce the winner on Friday. Good luck!


Robin Lee Hatcher said...


Thanks so much for hosting The Perfect Life on the CFBA blog tour. I was delighted to read your review.


Anonymous said...

Christy, I'm sorry you are enduring so much pain. I'm humbled that God is comforting you through my little book. God used you today to remind me why I continue writing. Please take care. I'm praying for you. Judy

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful husband speaking words of life and truth into your heart!Marilyn