Saturday, March 08, 2008

Goodbye to Brett Favre

I couldn't end the week without a tribute to Brett Favre's retirement. Here's a few things I came across throughout the week that I thought were too interesting not to share.

Here's an article about a couple from Florida who gave birth to twins days before the retirement announcement. The boys' names: Brett and Favre.

TIME Magazine paid homage to the King of the Cheeseheads.

It was Favre who made me love football and especially the Green Bay Packers. His exuberant love for the game was contagious, and it made those of us from Wisconsin feel like he was one of us. When I told Mia that #4 wouldn't be playing for the Packers any more, her mournful cry echoed that of Packer fans everywhere "We'll never score any points again! I'm gonna miss him!" Amen!


Anonymous said...

Nice tribute. Stop over and sign the group thank you card for Brett...