Thursday, April 07, 2011

Transforming Prayer

Transforming Prayer: How Everything Changes When You Seek God's FaceWell, I have received an answer to my prayer, and I will be changing the format of the blog very soon. Don't worry, a major focus will still be book reviews, but now I'll also be answering a call from the Lord as well. I hope that you'll join me in this new journey!

Transforming Prayer by Daniel Henderson is a must read for anyone looking to revolutionize their prayer life. Henderson is a senior pastor and has been putting on worship prayer conferences around the country for years Now he takes the wisdom he has learned from these workshops and his own study and puts it in this book to help readers develop their own prayer life. The book is filled with testimonials from several people who have attended the conferences and have had their lives, both prayer life and whole life, transformed. Henderson uses Scripture and Jesus' own instructions in the Lord's Prayer to get to the nitty-gritty of prayer. He convicts readers (me included) of often praying a "grocery list" of prayers, just checking off a list and using prayer to seek God's hand to fix things for us, rather than seeking His face, which should be the true focus of prayer. He offers a four-step guide to prayer using a music conductor as a guide. Here are some terrific quotes from the book: We attempt to use prayer to get our will done in heaven rather than His will done on earth. Asking [in prayer] is the discovering the profound joy of a transformed life. What motivates us to ask can often be all over the map. What motivates our Father to answer is that He would be glorified in our prayers through the person and work of His Son, Jesus Christ. This is an excellent book for anyone looking to transform their prayer life by seeking His face, and not His hand.
Thank you to Bethany House for providing me with a copy of this book for review.


Danmark said...

In the book Transforming Prayer, Daniel Henderson explains the difference between praying for God's hand and seeking His face. Henderson goes in to detail about how most people pray, and why we pray that way, and why we should change. He later gives a sample blue print for transforming prayer into something that is riveting instead of boring.