Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The Missional Mom

The Missional Mom: Living with Purpose at Home & in the WorldI am considering a restructuring of my blog. The inspiration comes from the book I'm reviewing today. It's made me consider my role in the world and how I am serving the Lord in it. I've been praying for direction on this and would appreciate your prayers in the matter as well.

The Missional Mom by Helen Lee is a new way of looking at motherhood and faith in the emergent faith of the 21st century. Lee has interviewed several mothers who have taken steps to live out their faith in very real ways, by moving into disadvantaged communities and making it their home, by traveling to other countries to minister to the needs of the poor, by adopting children from other countries to make their homes more open and welcoming, by opening their homes to strangers in need of hospitality, and many other ways. Each woman has listened to God's love in their hearts and are changing the world around them, as well as how their children view Christianity. Lee lays out the reasoning and Scripture to support these occasionally radical actions in a way that will inspire readers to stretch their own resources and hearts to meet the needs of their own community. Lee's writing is very conversational and friendly, but you can sense her excitement and devotion to the cause. She wants to win readers over to this way of thinking, because mothers often have far more influence than they perceive. She offers realistic advice for readers to implement their own change, but her primary encouragement is to listen to the nudges from the Lord to see if He may be speaking to you, especially after reading this book. This quote from Lee sums up the book well: Comfort is a spiritual gift God gives us, one with the missional purpose that we are to share it with others. Lee wants to help mom find their place in God's plan and to realize that that place just may be far bigger than they could ever imagine.  It's a book filled with hope and inspiration.

Thank you to the author for providing me with a copy of this book for review!


Helen said...

I'm grateful for this review, Christy! Thanks for reading the book and for these encouraging words. My prayers are with you as you explore ways in which God might want to continue to use you and your writing ministry to bless and challenge others!