Saturday, October 17, 2009

Satan and His Kingdom

Happy Sweetest Day! If you haven't done something sweet for your loved ones, go do it now! Even if it's just a sincere compliment or extra hug, we can never tell too often how much we appreciate those we love. Jesse brought a rose for each of us girls along with our favorite candy. I picked up a velvet poster for Mia to color, fuzzy socks for Molly, and a pair of gloves for Jesse. A present doesn't have to be expensive to be meaningful.

I don't have anything profound to share today, so I'll get right on to the review.

Satan and His Kingdom by Dennis McCallum is a hard-hitting look at the prince of this world. McCallum sticks strictly to Scripture to explain just who Satan aka the devil aka the accuser, etc, etc is. Lucifer is a title not actually appropriate for him as it is from a misinterpreted piece of the book of Isaiah. By breaking down every biblical reference to Satan, he delves deeply into exactly what his role is and what his actual abilities are. He shatters some illusions (sorry folks, but there's no pointy tail or pitchfork), but really tries to keep the focus on the damage Satan inflicts by allowing people of the Western world to think that he is just a myth. While McCallum does try to keep his focus on Scripture, I think that by ignoring Satan's portrayal in historical literature and pop culture, the book isn't as interesting as it could be. If he had chosen to refute each error point by point, it would make for a more enjoyable read. The book's ending is a bit of a disappointment, it doesn't conclude so much as just fizzle out with some unnecessary appendices. It's still a must read to dispel the illusions that have grown up around the devil.

Thank you to Bethany House for sending me a copy of this book!