Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Broken Teaglass

Today was one of those days where I could feel God lifting me up. I wore a shawl/cloak thing that I picked up a few weeks ago at a thrift store for the first time. It's cute with a couple of buttons and fringe, and definitely not something that's normally my style, so I was a bit unsure about wearing it. I received at least three compliments today on it!

Mom and I made some terrific money on eBay. Hopefully we'll be able to winnow down the amount of boxes taking over her house. Plus, Mom gave me a whole stack of pictures that belonged to her mom, my Grandma Valley. There were some of me when I was little that I've never seen before, including a four generation picture of Mom, Grandma Valley, me, and my Great-Grandma Stevens! I only met Grandma Stevens once, so it was an amazing find. There's another four generation picture taken about fifteen years later of Mom, Grandma Valley, me, and Doogie at his first Christmas.

There are supposed to be lots more pictures coming; I can't wait to see them!

The Broken Teaglass by Emily Arsenault is a quirky, fascinating mystery. Billy Webb has just started his new position at Samuelson Dictionary Company as a lexicographer when he stumbles across a mysterious citation for a word that references a book called The Broken Teaglass. When he and co-worker Mona discover that no such book exists, they embark on a quest to track down any other references to the nonexistent book to discover who wrote this mysterious story about a long forgotten crime. Arsenault perfectly renders the frustrations of interoffice politics and the tedium of doing the same thing day after day. Mona and Billy bounce in and out of a possible romance, each harboring their own secrets. This thoroughly engrossing novel will keep readers guessing and loving every moment.

Thank you to Cheryl Malandrinos from Pump Up Your Book Promotions for this book!


Cheryl said...

I love family photos, though I try hiding any of me because I've never been photogenic.

Thanks for the great review of Emily's book. I've heard a lot of great things about this one and I wish the publisher had sent me one. Oh well, I guess this virtual book tour coordinator will have to buy one.

Thanks again.
