Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mothers of the Bible Speak to Mothers of Today

I'm having a rough day today. I think that the stress of the last week has finally caught up with my body now that the adrenalin is gone. I'm praying for strength because tonight is the scholarship ceremony at the high school. Doogie received an invitation which means he definitely received at least one, but we won't know from where or in what amount until tonight. Every little bit helps!

Mia was so excited for today. The school has having a countdown of the last days of school with a different event each day going through the alphabet. We've already been through A for apple day and H for hat day. Today is K for Krazy Klothes, pick out the craziest mismatching outfit you can find. She picked out her clothing for today right after school yesterday! She's wearing two different sneakers (one Velcro, one tie), a bright yellow sock and a bright blue one, black leggings, a pink skirt, and turquoise t-shirt. There are three different pony tails in her hair, each with a different colored band. Most mornings it's hard to get her out of bed, but the thought of dressing silly had her up with a smile on her face today.

She was also excited because her heard a joke in her dreams last night: What do you get if you cross a tuba with a panda? A tupan. She explained that it's a panda body and head with a toucan beak, little wings and feet. I've had a lot of unusual dreams, but I've never learned a joke in one! I think I'll have her draw a picture of a tupan when she gets home tonight.

Mothers of the Bible Speak to Mothers of Today by Kathi Macias is a terrific read for mothers new and experienced. Macias takes readers through the Bible from Eve to Mary, mother of Jesus, each earning her own chapter. She summarizes each mom's story in the Bible, emphasizing and elaborating on Scripture to make her point about what makes her special. From Jochabed's sacrificing her son for his best interest to Rizpah mourning the death of her sons, there is a lesson for today's mothers. The chapters are written in a friendly, conversational tone and have great questions at the end for discussion or personal reflection. Macias encourages moms to become the mom God wants us to be.

My 15,000 contest is still going! I'm looking for whoever gets me to 15,000 hits. If it's you, drop me an email to claim your prize: two books and a coupon for a free bottle of Country Bob's Sauce. Just scroll down and look to the right to see if you are the winner.