Sunday, January 13, 2008

Other People's Love Letters

The Packers are going to the NFC Championship game! Hopefully, the Cowboys will lose today, and the Giants will have to come here next week to play. The game was fantastic to watch, probably the most exciting of the year. If you watched the game, you saw them get over 2" of snow after kick-off. We didn't get any snow up here (45 minutes north) until after the game, so it was surreal watching them shovel off the 10 yard lines every few minutes. I haven't jumped up and down in so long, I forgot I knew how until I realized I was airborne. We even spotted the Seahawks 14 points, and they still couldn't take down Favre. There was a great article in yesterday's Green Bay Press Gazette about the honorary team captain yesterday: it was a nun. Only in Green Bay!

Other People's Love Letters by Bill Shapiro is a fascinating peek into love: its beginnings and endings, and the twisted path between. Shapiro, whose website has many more of these letters, asked his friends and exs for old love letters. They, in turn, asked others giving Shapiro a huge range of letters to choose from in making this book. From sweet text messages, to post divorce rants, these letters are enjoyable and insightful. It's amazing how similar letters written in the first throes of love are: you're amazing; I can't live without you. But Shapiro tried to pick letters that said something deeper and love and the human condition. It's not a book you want to read in one sitting; reading too many back to back makes them lose their potency. But taken in small doses, it's a great way to remember how good love feels in the beginning and how sweet it can be after many years. Some of my favorite letters were the ones written by married couples several years in. Shapiro includes a short epilogue with brief stories about some of the couples who wrote the letters. Reading these made the letters even more powerful, especially the one from a husband serving in Vietnam in 1969. A great read, perfect as a Valentine's Day gift; give it with your own love letter!
Snow is still coming down here. It's a beautiful sight, as long as I don't have to drive in it! Have a great weekend!