Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Made to Crave

Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not FoodToday I am at the library to post. God bless free Wi-fi! Yesterday it took several tries, along with several restarts of my computer, modem, and router to get my blog posted. Today I can't stay online for more than 5 minutes, so I guess my modem really and truly is dead.

I'm in the process of planning Mia's birthday party for Saturday afternoon. She'll be eight, and we plan on having eight children (counting her) over for the party. Between Jesse coming home on Friday, getting the house ready for the party, an important conference at work on Thursday, and normal other drama, I was starting to completely breakdown under the stress of it all. I felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things I needed to do in four days. I am very grateful for good family. Doogie is going to help me get the house ready, and my mom volunteered to make the cupcakes for the party. Two huge burdens taken from my shoulders. I know it's a lesson from God. I often try to do everything myself and then panic when I realize all that I've undertaken, but when I delegate I'm far more successful. Successful on His terms, not mine. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what that means, but today's lesson helps me get a little bit better idea of what it looks like.

Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst is an inspiring devotional for women trying to end their addiction to food. Terkeurst realized that she was really putting on too much weight and that she was using food for all of the wrong reasons; it was a comfort and reward, instead of simply fuel for life. She's tried other weight loss plans in the past, but ultimately, they have all failed, so she was determined to find a plan that would work for life, a way of truly changing the way she viewed food permanently. Terkeurst focuses in on how women tend to use food for all sorts of emotional reasons when we should be turning to God. When we are depressed or stressed, instead of turning to our Comforter and Refuge, we grab chocolate and salty snacks. Terkeurst made it her goal to turn to God for those emotional needs and finally fulfill the true craving that she was trying to fill with food. She isn't alone in this battle. Many Christian women are struggling with this exact problem, and Terkeurst's book is a unique and important way to truly change our relationship with food. She doesn't pretend that this will be easy, in fact she confesses to breaking down in tears on multiple occasions about trying stop the habit, but the end result is a woman who is feeling truly good about herself and closer to her Lord. That's a goal we can all aspire to, and Terkeust puts the tools in this book. The journey will be a hard one, but she's provided the tools and support to help readers out.

Thank you to LitFuse Publicity for providing me with a copy of this book for review!