Sunday, September 05, 2010

The Lord's Prayer

Yesterday's quilt auction was a lot of fun. It's always nice spending time with Mom away from the regular busyness of life. We missed Molly, but hopefully she can get off of work next year. I picked up some baskets to help organize my bedroom and a gorgeous quilt for our bed. It was my favorite find of the day, my first real Amish quilt for my bed. I've had lots of wall hangings, place mats, and lap blankets, but this is my first full size quilt. Jesse liked it too, especially because it isn't even remotely feminine.

Mia was happy because I got her a Jacob's Ladder, a crocheted hat for winter, and a latchhook pillow with a dalmatian on it. I also picked up a prize for my contest winner: Christy Tomandl.Her proverb was: To worry is not to trust, to trust is not to worry. It's the small wall hanging you see in today's picture.

I'm recovering from the strain of yesterday resting in bed and getting caught up on my reading. I am truly counting myself blessed today.

The Lord's Prayer by R.T. Kendall is and insightful and thought-provoking look at a prayer we've all know by heart. How many times have you said the Lord's Prayer? Now how often have you taken the time to truly think about the words you are saying and what you are asking of God? Kendall breaks the prayer down phrase by phrase and analyzes what Jesus' intent was in asking us to pray those specific words and what they mean for us today. From acknowledging God as our Father and Lord to accepting His will be done to asking for our daily needs and releasing our sins as well as others, each chapter covers a specific area of our life that is covered by this well-known prayer. Kendall encourages its use in the church regularly, as well as frequent personal use, because the prayer really does take care of all our needs, spiritual, physical, material, and emotional. Kendall pays extra attention to the forgiveness of others (as we forgive those who trespass against us), because not only is it in the original prayer, but Jesus addresses it again after he gives the prayer to the disciples. He gives this two thousand year old prayer new life and readers will never say it mindlessly again.

Thank you to the Baker Publishing Group for providing me with a copy of this book for review.