Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Woman's Heart That Dances

I am a huge fan of Catherine Martin. I think I've read almost every book she's written, and I have always seen great growth in my faith and understanding of the Lord from each one. Last year I named Trusting in the Names of God as one of my top ten devotional books. Just about two months ago, I received a box of three books in the mail from Catherine. She included a lovely note thanking me for my reviews and encouraging me in my faith journey. All three were books of hers that I had not yet read, and I couldn't wait to get started. When I cracked open the cover of the first one, I discovered that she had also written a personal inscription to me in each book! I was moved to tears by the love in her words but also by the timeliness of the gift. At the time I was feeling really down about ever writing a book. I just felt like somehow I had gotten off the path God had set for me, and I was feeling very lost. But Catherine's note felt like a note from God, because she spoke exactly the words I needed to hear to feel hope. I hope that someday I can meet Catherine and tell her just how much her books have changed my life, and how her gift was more than just three books and a note, so much more!

Something interesting I noted while reading today's book, A Woman's Heart That Dances, is that I suddenly started hearing songs with the word "dance" in them on the radio. One of my all time favorite songs is Dance with Me by Orleans. Yes, I know that it is the epitome of 70s cheese, but I love it, and I rarely hear it on the radio. I've heard it at least three times in the last two weeks, very strange. There were a few other dance songs I noticed too, but the other one that really struck me was The Kinks' Come Dancing. The song was stuck on repeat in my head for so long, I actually put some of the lyrics as my Facebook status! I just couldn't get it out of my head. Then I realized why: God was inviting me to dance with him. The book softened my heart to hear his invitation, and the songs were speaking right to me. I'm ready, are you?

A Woman's Heart That Dances by Catherine Martin is a beautifully written and composed invitation to the reader to step onto the dance floor and dance with the Heavenly Father. Martin, who was a dancer, uses many similarities between dance and a relationship with God, and the metaphor is a powerful one. From trusting your partner, to discipline, to moving in synch, Martin uses each step in learning how to dance as a step in trusting the Lord and living life with him at the center. Martin, as always, uses a mix of anecdotes, quotes from theologians, Scripture, and personal insight to support her thesis. It's a potent mixture that is both moving and inspiring. I read a lot of devotionals every year, but Martin's always have a huge heart, and they stick with me. This is no exception to that rule. It will inspire readers to want to step out in the dance, to live both fully and freely in God.

Thank you to the author for providing me with a copy of this book for review.

Today's picture is of Mia with some kittens from my mom's house. Mia has a heart that truly dances with the Lord like no one I've ever seen.