Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More Than Conquerors

Mia wrote a fantastic poem in school that was just too good not to share. It's an acrostic using her last name:
L is for Lockstein, because it is my family
O is for ocean because I was born by it
C is for care because I take care of my family
K is for kind because I'm kind
S is for sprinkler because it has water
T is for teeth because you don't want to get cavities
E is for eggs because it is life
I is for Indians because they found the USA
N is for nuts because I drive my mom nuts. I love nuts because they are tasty.

Just for the record, she was not born by the ocean. 

More Than Conquerors by Kathi Macias is the second book in the Extreme Devotion series that began with No Greater Love. Hector is pastoring a small church in Tijuana while his mother, Victoria, evangelizes to a much smaller group deep in the Mexican countryside where Mayan superstition still rules and any teaching different is viewed with suspicion and even in danger for their lives. Marty has finished Bible college and is working to help Hector while trying to figure out God's plan for him in the mission field. Macias takes these different strands and weaves them all together in a story of how God is working all over the world. An aura of danger emanates from the very first page, and the reader can't help but turn pages faster and faster as the quiet action picks up and hearts are broken. Macias has really hit her stride as an author with this series. It is filled with realistic characters and powerful stories. It almost feels like the reader is looking in on real people as they struggle with faith, hope, loss, and love. 

Thank you to Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book for review.

I picked today's picture because I thought it suited the mood of her poem.