Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Molly and Doogie are both going to State Solo Ensemble for choir. Their Jazz Choir and Madrigal Choir both made it, and Molly's going for her solo. She got a tough judge, so we were a bit worried that she wouldn't make it through, but she did! Doogie doesn't do solo events, so he was happy that the two events he did both made it.

I've been reading Catherine Martin's Passionate Prayer as part of my devotional time for the past week or so. I just love Catherine's writing. Whenever I see that she has a new book coming out, I jump at the chance to get it. I really want to strengthen and deepen my relationship with God, and I know that prayer is the best way to accomplish that, so this book is a real blessing. I've been writing down some terrific quotes about prayer that I wanted to share with you.

Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer is the great work. -Oswald Chambers

Prayer moves the hand that moves the world. -E.M. Bounds

When we rely on organization, we get what organization can do; when we rely upon education, we get what education can do; when we rely upon eloquence, we get what eloquence can do, but when we rely upon prayer, we get what God can do. -A.C. Dixon

We become what we are called to be by praying. -Eugene Peterson

Prayer is something deeper than words. It is present in the soul before it has been formulated into words. And it abides in the soul after the last words of prayer have passed over our lips. Prayer is an attitude of our hearts, attitude of mind. Prayer is a definite attitude of our hearts toward God, an attitude which He in Heaven immediately recognizes as prayer, as an appeal to His heart. Whether it takes the form of words or not, does not mean anything to God, only to ourselves. -Ole Hallesby

Michal by Jill Eileen Smith is the first book in The Wives of King David series. Michal is the daughter of King Saul, ruler of Israel and David's sovereign. But Saul has refused to listen to God or his prophets, so David has been anointed King of Israel. This sets the two men on a path full of conflict. David tries to respect and love his regent, but Saul is murderously jealous of the affection the Israelites have for David. Saul reluctantly allows Michal to marry David, but when he puts out a death warrant on David, Saul annuals the marriage and gives her to one of his soldiers. Eventually Michal is returned to David when he claims the throne, but their relationship never recovers. This is the story as laid out in 1 and 2 Samuel in the Old Testament and Smith makes it come to life through amazing attention to historical detail as well as moving characterizations. I've always wondered about Michal when I read the story of David in the Bible. How could the same woman who risked her father's rage to help her husband escape then attack him and accuse him of acting undignified in his praise to God? Smith really gives a great deal of insight into the workings of Michal's mind; her loyalty to her family, her manipulation to achiever her own aims, her deep love for her father and yet terrible fear of the demons that drive him. Smith puts the pieces of the puzzle together in an entertaining and enthralling way. One small bit of criticism: most of the story and dialogue flows smoothly, but when Smith is quoting the Bible directly, the words seem forced and out of place. She would have been better off paraphrasing those passages to keep it from disrupting story's pace. I've always been fascinated by Abigail, David's third wife, so I can't wait to read the rest of this series!

Today's picture is of Mia trying out her costume for her dance recital next month. She's my little drama queen for sure! I took the picture on Monday night, and all of the snow you see behind her is already gone!