Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Murder on the Ol Bunions

God has put me on a diet. He knows how much I need one, and my willpower isn't always the best. Since last year at this time, I've dropped about 40 pounds. 30 of that, or so, was due to changes in my prednisone usage, and it took me this long to really drop it. But in the last few weeks, my appetite has seriously changed. It's almost as if I've had bariatric surgery. I can only eat a few bites of food before I suddenly feel disgustingly full, and there is very little that actually tastes good any more. I admit it, I've always eaten for taste, and if it tastes really good, I could find room to put in a few more bites. No more. Even when it does taste good, it's only in small quantities. I've actually dropped 7-1/2 pounds in the last week! Which is very cool, because I've dropped a full pants size, and I'm almost down another one. I wore a dress to church on Sunday that I haven't worn in years, and it felt good to dress pretty for once. I cleaned out my entire closet, getting rid of things that are too big (and still too small), as well as the things I bought for the days when I was feeling really fat and wanted to hide.

There's an additional weirdness to my appetite change; I've suddenly developed a taste for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I've never liked pb&j sandwiches, not even as a kid. I don't think that I had one in more than 20 years until Jesse made one for himself a month ago, and it looked so good, I begged him to make me one. This has turned into a nightly habit. I can't get to sleep without my pb&j. I was telling my dad about it yesterday on the phone, and he admitted that he's recently developed the same habit, and he never liked them either. Is anyone suffering from a craving for peanut butter and jelly? Is this just a small homegrown addiction, or is it something that could be sweeping the country soon?

I did mention the weight loss to my doctors yesterday, and neither was very concerned. I'll just count my blessings from the Lord. When I couldn't manage to get my eating under control, He did it for me, and it's renewed my self-confidence.

Murder on the Ol' Bunions
by S. Dionne Moore is the first book in the LaTisha Barnhart mysteries as part of the Heartsong Mysteries line. Imagine Tyler Perry's Medea married to Mr. Brown and the two of them solving mysteries in the heart of a small town. Lots of wackiness and love ensue in the mayhem. LaTisha has almost finished her online degree in police science when she stumbles upon the body of her former employer, Marion. The police are low on resources, and LaTisha is full of curiosity and too much time on her hands now that her children are grown and gone. Moore captures the true heart of this book in the relationship between the Barnharts who squabble, tease, and love each other through one drama after another. LaTisha is more than the stereotype of a feisty African-American older woman. She bakes up a storm to console her lonely heart, sharing the results with all those suffering around her. She comforts, scolds, and prays, all while being a mother to everyone around her. It's a quick, fun read with a great deal of heart.

Remember to drop me an email for the chance to win one of two copies of Sandra Byrd's Bon Appetit before 10 pm on Thursday, October 23rd!