Sunday, August 17, 2008

Miracle Girls

Mia is truly a camp girl. She loves everything about camping from sleeping in tents to s'mores and food cooked on the campfire to swimming and fishing. There were days she spent 4 or more hours in the lake and only came out when her lips turned past blue to purple and someone made her get out. It's the only time of year that I don't get upset when she plays in the mud and gets completely filthy, so she makes the best of it. The last day of camp is always hard on her, because while the rest of us are exhausted and ready to go home, she has no desire to leave...ever!

The first picture is my favorite picture of the entire camping trip. It completely encapsulates summer in her face: mosquito bites, sunburn, freckles, and a huge smile. The second picture was taken within half an hour of setting up camp, notice how dirty her face is. The last picture is Mia holding up the basket with the fish that she caught. She's not afraid to put the worm on the hook or take the fish off, and she was so proud of her five fish catch, even though two were too small to keep.

Miracle Girls by Anne Dayton is a fun addition to the new Christian teen chick-lit genre. Ana Dominguez' face is next to the definition of over-achiever in the dictionary. She plays the piano, is on all sorts of do-good groups at school, and is not just content to have straight A's in school, she also must be number one in her class. This isn't just Ana's desire; her parents are super-overprotective and pushy in the most loving of ways. When Ana moves to a new school, she quickly makes an enemy of the most popular girl Riley that sends both of them to detention. While there, they must do an essay about an event that changed their lives forever. Ana and Riley, along with Zoe and Christine all discover that they have something major in common, and Zoe decides that they are now bound for life. The story moves through the usual teenage antics of romance, broken friendships, and dances before heading into dramatic territory. Dayton speaks knowledgably with the language of a teenage girl and the story handles the teens' faith well without ever making it uncool, which is the highest praise I could give!

I'm kicking off a new contest tomorrow that you won't want to miss, see you then!