Thursday, July 27, 2006

Espresso Tales

I hate to admit it, but Jess and I are both addicted to So You Think You Can Dance on Fox. In fact, we're both big fans of Benji, that boy can dance! We've been watching since the first week, and it's a lot of fun to see how the dancers styles are changing and how they are growing. Nigel, the producer, made an interesting comment last night that kind of blew me away. He said that last week there were five talent shows on at the same time competing (He only mentioned it because Dance beat them all in the ratings). That didn't seem realistic to me, FIVE talent shows, but pulling out the TV Guide proves it: The One, RockStar: Supernova, So You Think You Can Dance, America's Got Talent, and American's Top Model. Five talent shows on one night, that doesn't count all of the other programs on during the rest of the week. Do we really need that much celebrity in our country? Is there truly room for more celebrities in Hollywood? Do the paparazzi need more people to chase? We have so many popular personalities on the radar now that we already have D-list celebrities. It seems kind of sad to think that Benji and the other dancers are working their butts off for just a few fleeting moments of fame. Who will remember them next year at this time? Who remembers who won last year? Who cares?

Espresso Tales by Alexander McCall Smith is the type of book that restores your faith in literature. For everyone who says that good books aren't being written anymore, send them to Smith, because everything he writes is wonderful. Smith returns us to 44 Scotland Street to update us on the goings-ons of its denizens. It took me a couple of chapters to remember who was who and slide back into the rhythms of their lives, but once I was there, it was nearly impossible to leave. Poor Bertie is back with his horrible mother Irene. Bruce has returned with his clove hairgel. Just about everyone has returned, except the pair who hung around Big Lou's. Smith has several surprises in store for his characters, and I don't want to give any of them away. The writing is smooth and seamless as he moves from character to character. If only they made movies like this, my faith would be restored in the movie industry!

Well Mia's in the bath, and I have to go wash her hair. She loves the new raspberry scented Kandoo, and I can't seem to get her to understand that she can only use the shampoo when she's in the bathtub. Every time she washes her hands after going potty, she squirts out a little of the shampoo and rubs it in her hair. The raspberry scent comes in purple bottles. I bought it for when the banana-scented orange bottles ran out. Unfortunately she found the purple bottles and now refuses to use anything but. That's my little diva!


Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.