Yada Yada Again
I couldn't wait to read the next Yada Yada Prayer Group book, even though it was at the bottom of the pile.
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Tough by Neta Jackson is another strong book in the series. This book tackles the heavy issue of racism head-on. In the beginning I found myself (as usual) agreeing with Jodi that ignoring bigots and racists shrinks their power, but by the end of the book, I realized that that is not the answer. When bigots speak up and try to spread their hate, we need to speak up and stop their evil lies before they spread. Jackson continues to allow each character to grow at their own pace, even Willie Wonka the dog's personality is deepening. Jackson deft use of language allows her to speak volumes with only a few words; other authors should learn from her. Even simple conversations move the plot forward and strengthen relationships. This book also has a guide at the back to help you start your own Yada Yada group. If every person who read this book started their own group, the world would change for the better. The next book should be coming out this summer, and I for one can't wait!
Mia woke up and decided she was Clifford the Big Red Dog today. She's wearing a red dress, red socks, and red rubberbands in her hair (for ears). I'm never sure who she's going to be when she wakes up; she's very rarely just Mia.
It's been raining and hailing here for the last few days. The sky always seems gray, and I'm in the mood for a good Victorian mystery. Tasha Alexander was kind enough to email me back yesterday. She'll be posting excerpts from her new Emily Ashton book this summer on her website www.tashaalexander.com I wish I could read some of them now! Instead, I've ordered a few mysteries from the library, and in the meantime I've started Bernard Goldberg's Arrogance. I'm still reading Mayflower, but every time I pick it up, I'm overwhelmed by its weight. I guess rainy days don't put me in the mood for heavy history books.
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